Alright, who's hopped on the Fifty Shades bandwagon, raise your hands.
And yes, ashamed as I am to say, I have contributed my fair share of $12.50 to E.L James. But unlike the thousands of rave reviews, I have to say I beg to differ.
The story centers around 2 people in Seattle, a businessman Christian Grey and a college graduate Anatasia Steele and their erotic and unusual relationship that forms during the course of the first book. Mind you, I never had the intention of buying it. But upon my friend (who barely reads) singing praises about the trilogy, I figured it had to be good. After all, E.L James has even taken over J.K Rowling's long time position of Best Selling author.
Maybe it's my taste in love making, or my preference in men, but halfway through the book I lost interest. The constant use of flat, boring vocabulary and the repetitive love making scenes which consisted of mostly (or only) BDSM elements.
I would like to believe it is only because there are a limited number of books that involve the secret fantasies of a 49 year old author having a mid life crises and becoming a millionaire for it in return and the power of word of mouth and technology that this book has gained so much recognition in such a short amount of time it's being made into a film.
So what's the hype? Honestly, I've no clue. Don't take my word for it though, I could be wrong.
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