DAY THREE - The last and final day!
0830h - Woke up feeling as perky as the previous day. Hopped out of bed to school and didn't feel the least bit tired. I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to the whole episode of downing the lemon+ginger juice but the thought of today being the last day convinced me this would be good for my health.
1200h - Juice #2. Same as always, I loved the juice. Sweet, refreshing, and it's got greens I normally wouldn't eat! No signs of headaches, cravings or anything of that sort. I was feeling rather good and told myself it could be that today would be the last day I'd have to drink liquids all day.
1400h - #3. Loving the milky taste from the juice and happily sipping it in the library. Yep, only about 8 more hours to go...
1630h - Okay, maybe slightly hungry. I could go for some solid foods now. Salad, soup, a slice of toasted apricot bread............. For now, a boiled egg brought from home would do :)
1800h - Drinking juice #4 so make the hunger pangs go away! I have to add on that if you aren't used to the natural sweetness of the fruits you should opt for Radiance's green cleanse instead - which provide less fruits and more greens.
1945h - Juice #5. For some reason, I got extremely hungry. The people are Radiance Cleanse Co were extremely friendly though, advising me to have some almond nuts to munch on should I really be hungry. I decided to have another boiled egg (I'm that crazy about eggs) and felt that I'd be fuller with them instead of nuts. Though Christina, the lady advising me through this, recommended I only eat eggs if I'm feeling that famished as they are high in protein. Yep, could use some of that protein right now.
2300h - OFF TO BED. I've officially accomplished a 3 day juice cleanse!
Overall, I felt extremely elated that I had stuck to my cleanse without having succumbed to food (apart from eggs) and my cravings for unhealthy foods died down. I felt less bloated from all the junk food I was having initially and could feel my body rejuvenating itself.
Update 3rd April 2014:
Would I do a juice cleanse again? I'm pretty darn sure I would. The juice cleanse really helped me reset my palette and made me control the intake of my portions. I've started craving for junk foods again (only because I've been munching on them from all the stress from exams...) but I've learnt to appreciate food once again.
I hope this review helps some of you out there on a cleanse! It is pretty difficult when you first start out, especially on the 2nd/3rd day (if you are on a 3 or 5 day cleanse) but I promise you guys it will be worth it. We humans honestly need little to survive but we tend to over consume just about anything. So let nature take its course and learn to love our body by treating it right.